It's been a quiet week of sorts. Gave a blood sample on Monday to finish up the integrated prenatal screening process (genetic screening for certain chromosomal abnormalities and a few other complications of pregnancy). The results are usually ready in 7-10 days, so by the end of next week we should know if the pregnancy is above or below the screening cut off of 1 in 200. If our risk is below 1 in 200 we breathe a sigh of relief and move on; if the risk is above 1 in 200 then we're eligible for further diagnostic testing aka the amnio. We'd obviously prefer the former. Not too much longer now - keep your fingers crossed!
In more exciting news, I think I may have felt the baby move this week. It was only a couple of times, so I'm not really certain, but if felt like a little nudge from the inside, fairly low in the belly, right where my uterus should be. And yet, when I actually focus on it, I can never feel anything. Maybe it was just gas - haha. It's still fairly early, so I'm not worried, just impatient.
And I think the nesting instinct might be setting in too. While putting away the flour the other day, I just HAD to stop and immeadiately clean up all the shelves in the pantry. Like I literally could NOT go on with my day unless those pantry shelves were neat and orderly! haha. Wacky. I could see this nesting thing coming in handy - so long as it doesn't get out of control that is. I've heard stories about woman that get a bit obsessive about needing things C-L-E-A-N clean. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah, I can see all my old housemates laughing now. For some odd reason, I don't think I have to worry about that.
And now for the weekly update!
Week: 17
Weight Gain: Hasn't changed from last week - still at a respectable 4 lbs.
Feeling: Still feeling a bit icky if I haven't eaten in a bit, but I definitely have more energy again, and am finding myself contemplating all sorts of home improvement projects.
Maternity Clothes: I finally splurged and bought a new bra at Change. I asked the lady for my regular pre pregnancy size and she took one look at me and said, "ummm, I don't think so". HAH! Turns out I have moved up a whole cup size. And we aren't even half way through. Oh dear.
Cravings: I still haven't experienced true "I MUST HAVE THAT NOW SO PLEASE DRIVE TO THE 24 HOUR GROCERY STORE AND GET IT FOR ME HONEY" cravings. But I have bought lunch from the same sandwich joint all week long. It seems baby really wants soup and salad this week.
Milestones: Movement (I think)!
Movement: A few nudges that seemed too low for gas. But not really any of the classis "bubble" or "popcorn" or "fluttery" feelings.
Weekly Wisdom: There's no use worrying over things you can not control (hey I didn't say I actually FOLLOW my own words of wisdom).
Random Name Ideas: Patrick: Troy, Amy: for once I didn't have any!
And new this week - BABY BUMP PICS! Look at that facial expression - oh yeah, I'm glowing alright.
Is it gas or is it baby Mama!
nice baby bump lady!