August 2, 2011

Week 15 - Hello San Francisco!

What a great week!  Patrick won some flight vouchers in a contest at work, so we booked a long weekend trip to San Francisco.  It was really nice for the two of us to get away and spend some time together before the baby arrives.

We ended up doing a lot of walking (so much walking), and shopping and eating as we toured the city.   We visited Alcatraz, shopped around Union Square, ate breakfast in the Haight while watching marathon runners cruise by, took pictures of an albino alligator at the National Acadamy of Science, toured a WWII submarine, had our fortunes told by an olde thyme mechanical parlour game, mistakenly strolled through a sketchy part of town, and laughed at the antics of the seals on Pier 39.

As you can see - we enjoyed ourselves!  And we bought our first gift for the baby too - a stuffed octopus :)
In other baby news - it seems a wee bump has decided to make an appearance!  I've always had a bit extra to squish around my middle, but the squishy has become hard in the past week, and so a true bump has begun!   It seems as though my nausea is getting better too, so I might try and cut back on the diclectin now that we're back from San Francisco!

Onto the weekly update!

Week:  15

Weight Gain: Well it seems I have been feeling better as I'm now up by about 4 lbs!

Feeling: Definitely feeling better this week - might even try to wean off the diclectin!  I have a lot more energy now too. 

Maternity Clothes: Wore a lot of my maternity stuff while in San Francisco - and I bought a bunch more at Pea in the Pod too!  Spent too much money, but the clothes are so nice there, and I made sure to buy stuff that is more fall/winter oriented.

Cravings: No specific cravings, though I did have french toast for 3 out of the 4 mornings we were in San Francisco.

Milestones: I have a real BUMP!

Movement: Nothing yet, but this is the next milestone on the list that I am really excited about - hopefully it will happen soon. 

Weekly Wisdom:  Sometimes my overplanning can be a good thing.  And sometimes it can be too much.  Need to find the happy medium I suppose.

Random Name Ideas:   Amy:  Beckett, Bennett, and Sausalito (not really).  Patrick:  Nothing specific this week - he just keeps shooting down all of my suggestions!

San Francisco Mama!

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